Monet is an elegant, delicate and responsive WordPress template for your portfolio or blog. Suited to photographers, designers, bloggers and other creatives, the crisp typography ensures your site’s design will ooze quality.
Add 'navigation-widgets' to supported html5 types.
1.13.4 - 9th July 2020
Remove use of deprecated Jetpack function is_ipad.
1.13.3 - 12th March 2020
Add Gutenberg support.
Improve coding standards.
1.13.2 - 24th July 2019
Tweak archive styles to make things work better when displayed.
1.13.1 - 18th June 2019
Fix button styles in forms. input elements looked good but button elements were not styled. They are now!
1.13 - 13th May 2019
Add font display swap to Google Font loading, to increase font display speed.
1.12 - 5th November 2018
Ensure touch devices can see the post titles.
Remove old prefixes.
1.11 - 31st May 2018
Add support for hiding the footer credits.
1.10 - 25th May 2018
Add support for privacy policy link in the site footer.
Fix display of the cookie consent checkbox in the comments form.
1.9.2 - 30th January 2018
Make the menu change when a parent link uses # as the url (to allow the full text to work as opposed to just the arrow)
Remove errant console.log
Ensure long menu items are readable and don't bleed into sub menus.
1.9.1 - 27th January 2018
Simplify the menu selection javascript, which in turn removes errors on some menu items.
update rtl.css
1.9 - 25th January 2018
Highlight current menu item in menus
Remove responsiveNavigation.js code since it will never be executed (it's left over from my starter theme)
Select current menu level when you visit a page in the nav.
Add option to enable/ disable the submenu selection feature.
Tidy codes
1.8.5 - 20th December 2017
Fix issue with custom page templates not displaying shortcodes properly.
Fix navigation issue that can occcur when widgets are used in the header sidebar.
1.8.4 - 21st July 2017
Hide sidebar widgets when using sub navigation. Just in case the sub menus are longer than the main menu and so cover the widgets.
Fix a bunch of coding standards errors.
1.8.3 - 13th July 2017
Remove include for inc/wpcom.php, since it's automatically included by sites
1.8.2 - 9th June 2017
Fix small display issue on mobile, touchscreen, devices that improves readability of post titles on different post formats.
Update rtl.css
Improve compatibility with WP 4.8 media widgets
1.8.1 - 17th May 2017
Fix issue with featured image on single post pages not honoring theme option.
Tweak responsive layout on single posts and pages for small screens so that titles and content fit better.
1.8 - 28th March 2017
Add support for Jetpack content options
Make Customize preview work more nicely - showing real time updates and edit links for a number of elements
1.7.1 - 10th February 2017
Improve print styles.
Fix issue with minor sidebar not displaying in all the situations it's meant to display.
Reduce size of minor sidebar on small devices.
Add support for jetpack projects by default.
1.7 - 6th February 2017
Increase thumbnail size on archive pages, and size of featured images in slider and single opost page to stop issues when social sidebar is hidden. May need thumbnails to be recreated ( works well for this)
Consolidate one of the image sizes to reduce the amount of featured images needed.
Add support for selective refresh to sidebars.
Improve coding standards.
1.6 - 29th November 2016
Allow social sidebar to be hidden when content is empty.
Various improvements to rtl styles.
Add body class for missing sidebar.
1.5 - 18th November 2016
Add widgets sidebar into header underneath site title.
1.4.3 - 27th October 2016
Tidy up the codes.
1.4.2 - 19th October 2016
Improve the dropdown sidebars so that they stretch to fill the available space.
1.4.1 - 15th October 2016
Tweak word-wrap properties to be less agressive
remove box-shadow css prefix
allow slightly longer lines on blog post navigation to reduce number of lines when long post titles are used
1.4 - 28th July 2016
Improve rtl.css
fix post subscription form layout
Improve behaviour of overlay widgets in the Customizer
Code style improvements
1.3.6 - 30 May 2016
Tweak responsive styles so that post titles are immediately readable and don't need to be interacted with
Update slider.js to remove flash on display of first slide
Add support for more post types in featured content
Fix issue with image attachment template
Improve coding standards
Make sidebar menu links with no hrefs open sub menus (if available)
Fix issue with header description changing colour with custom header
fix content display on projects template
add a projects page template to allow setting the homepage layout to use Jetpack Projects instead of blog posts
add portfolio categories to archive template
improve the infinite scroll & masonry loading setup (better code and nicer effect)
improve widget styles
add Customizer option to hide featured images on blog posts
minor css improvements
Initial release
Please note: Unfortunately we are unable to offer support or help with theme customizations. For more info on Customization services please go to our Theme Customization page.
We'd love to get some feedback to help us create better themes.