Traveler Documentation

Perfect for bloggers who want to document their travels with large photos, dramatic colors and Pinterest-style layouts.

More Info

Getting Started

Documentation for is available here.

Customizer Settings


Traveler has 2 menus available. By default the top menu displays your websites pages and the lower menu displays your websites categories.

You can customize the top menu using the WordPress custom menu functionality found in the Customizer.

The lower menu is always set to display categories and will display the top 12 categories, sorted by the number of posts in each category. You can hide the category menu in the theme settings found in the Customizer. You can also replace the category menu with a custom menu in the menu section of the Customizer.


Traveler has a single optional sidebar. This will display in the footer of the site and uses javascript to intelligently position the widgets to make sure they slot together nicely.

Standard Features

Traveler has the following translations included:

Azerbaijani, French, German, Irish, Japanese, Norwegian, Persian, Portuguese, Romanian, Swedish



1.10.5 - 18th April 2022

1.10.4 - 20th January 2021

1.10.3 - 2nd January 2021

1.10.2 - 5th October 2020

1.10.1 - 9th July 2020

1.10 - 14th March 2020

1.9.1 - 9th August 2019

1.9 - 12th March 2019

1.8.1 - 25th September 2018

1.8 - 25th May 2018

1.7.3 - 3rd March 2018

1.7.2 - 1st March 2018

1.7.1 - 20th January 2018

1.7 - 19th January 2018

1.6.4 - 20th December 2017

1.6.3 - 1st November 2017

1.6.2 - 24th October 2017

1.6.1 - 13th October 2017

1.6 - 2nd October 2017

1.5.4 - 7th September 2017

1.5.3 - 20th July 2017

1.5.2 - 14th January 2017

1.5.1 - 10th November 2016

1.5 - 4th November 2016

1.4.1 - 24th September 2016







Please note: Unfortunately we are unable to offer support or help with theme customizations. For more info on Customization services please go to our Theme Customization page.


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