To keep the themes up to date we use a build system. This page shows how often we run it.
This system packages the themes, then uploads them to the theme update server so that they can be downloaded through the theme auto-update system. The benefit of a build system is that we can do more frequent theme updates. What used to take hours of manual effort is now done in minutes by a machine.
To see what has been changed in our themes you can check out the theme changelogs.
The most recent build was run on: 18th of September 2021 at 04:11PM GMT
Total time spent updating themes: 22 hours, 33 minutes, 33 seconds The amount of time the computer has spent building themes and releasing updates. No human intervention was needed.
Approximate time saved by the build process: 66 days, 21 hours The amount of time I would have spent (with no breaks or days off) packaging and releasing themes, had I not automated it all!
The amount of time I have actually spent releasing theme updates: 17 minutes, 50 seconds By this I mean the release process - having a build process means I can release many more updates than I would otherwise.
Total number of builds executed: 107 since 27th of November 2016 at 12:10PM